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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 88 Glendale

Important Information

What should I be aware of?
Placement on a team is determined by the number of head coaches who volunteer and is not guaranteed.

Can I be refunded if we decide to cancel? 
Players withdrawing prior to posted deadline on the cancelation page will be issued a refund (minus the non-refundable National Membership Fee. There are no refunds (no exceptions) after the posted deadline. All requests for a refund must be submitted in writing by submitting a Cancellation Request form.

What are the current COVID guidelines for returning to play?
Please click here for the Region's Return-to-Play Policy for the current season.

When do the coaches get their teams?
Coaches should expect to receive their rosters after the player drafts or soon after teams have been formed in July.

When do the players get called?
Teams may begin practice on or after August 1 (tentative). The coaches will begin to reach out to their families in the middle to late July. They will provide information for practice times and location (6U-19U).

It’s after August 1, and I have not been called. What do I do?
Please do not panic if you see teams practicing and your child has not been called. Not all teams begin practice at the same time. The very young teams, in particular, do not always begin practice in March. Also some coaches may be out of town. If you have not received a call by August 8, please email [email protected] or call (818) 208-1947.

What else does my player need?
The registration fee includes: uniform (jersey, shorts, socks). In addition, you should consider buying soccer cleats (not required), shin guards, a soccer ball (size depends on age group) and a water bottle. Please note that baseball cleats are not allowed.

How often are practices and games?
Practices are held once a week (field and times to be determined by your child’s coach). Games will be on Saturdays with the first game in March. Games will be held at a field in Glendale, La Crescenta and Montrose.

Late registration?
Those interested may sign up for the waiting list or in some cases, you will be allowed to pay if there is space available.

Please Remember…
AYSO is a parent-based volunteer organization established to provide a positive experience for our children. Go to the games. Learn the rules. Above all, be tolerant. Your child, your coach, the referees are all here to provide are all doing their best. Let your child play, allow the coach to coach and please refrain from yelling at the referees (especially). These are all volunteers who allow this program to happen. 

Questions related to registration?
Contact our Registrar at [email protected] or at [email protected]

Please refer back to this page as it will be updated once more information becomes available. Last updated on May 31, 2022

Click here for additional FAQs

New Player Evaluations

Balanced Teams is one of AYSO's six core philosophies. In order to adhere to this important philosophy, our region forms new teams as evenly as possible. This provides a stronger learning experience for teams as they play teams comprised of similar ability. It also allows for each player to experience playing with a wide variety of teammates of different play skills.

The New Player Evaluations helps provide our region with the information we need to properly place players on teams based on their level of experience, the skills they demonstrate on the field and more!

Per Region 88 rules, every new player in the 10U and older divisions must have a New Player Evaluation before being placed on a team. “New player” constitutes anyone who did not play in the Region the previous fall season. Placement on a team may be denied if a player is not able to attend an evaluation if requested by a designated Region 88 volunteer. 

Additional Notes:

  1. Each player will only be requested to attend ONE date and time. 
  2. All players in the 10U-19U divisions must attend
  3. VIP, U4, 5U-8U do not need to attend
  4. Please be sure to have shin-guards available, a soccer ball and water

If any of you have any questions about the event, feel free to send an email to our Coach Administrator Iain Blackwood at [email protected]

Equipment list for Evaluation:

  • shin guards
  • soccer ball (Labeled with Player's Name) (recommended)
    (10U/12U Divisions):
     Size 4 ball
    14U/16U Divisions: Size 5 ball
  • soccer cleats or running shoes
  • water container (labeled with player's name)

Important Dates

Fall 2022 refund deadline

July 24, 2022 at 11:59 pm

In-Person Player Evaluations
For registered players only may start in June. All new and some returning players will be contacted directly by a Division Coordinator with dates/times and location.

Practices Begin
On or after August 1: Due to limited field space during the week, most teams will meet before the game instead of holding a separate practice.

First Game/Session (subject to change)

  • VIP: 9/10/22 (tentative)
  • 5U-14U: 9/10/22
  • 16U-19U: 9/10/22
  • U4 Playground: 9/17/22 (6 weeks)

Volunteers Needed

AYSO Region 88 is run completely by volunteers. Every coach, referee, board member are all volunteers. It's only through the help of our generous volunteers that we are able to make this happen for our community. Most of the training can be done online and no experience is required. Coaches are able to select their own practice schedules (day / location) and equipment (eg. balls, cones, etc) is provided. AYSO Region 88 makes it as easy for you to get out there and help. More volunteers also means there are fewer players on teams which allows for more playing time.

For more information on how to register as a volunteer, please contact us at [email protected]. We promise you will have a wonderful experience and your child will love you for it!

Contact Us

We are here to help but please consider we are all volunteers and will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

Regional Commissioner
Aldo Mascheroni [email protected]

Ryan Wood [email protected]

Coach Administrator
Iain Blackwood [email protected]

Referee Administrator
Craig Dunkin  [email protected]

Child/Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA)
Scott Nord [email protected]

Safety Coordinator
Ross Paulson [email protected]

National Partners

Platinum Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 88

2515 Canada Blvd 
Glendale, California 91208

Email Us: [email protected]
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